
Archive for December 2008

This week has been highly weird for me. I’m so used to having Brittny on Wednesday and Thursday that her being with her Dad is throwing me through a loop. When I drift off to sleep I find myself waking up to listen for her thinking I over slept from her nap and something is wrong.

I know she is in safe hands but I am starting to miss my baby girl. I am thankful for having her for New Years Eve and New Years though. I still have to figure out what we are going to do. Weather permitting i’d love to go see the fireworks but lately the weather has been so nasty. I think Michael and my Dad are the only ones excited about it snowing this badly for this long.

Because I took time off for Thanksgiving to be able to have time to spend with Brittny I wasn’t going to take any time off for Christmas. So this weeks schedule is messing with my head. I had Wednesday off and tonight off. I am so glad I don’t work tonight because with all of the after Christmas sales going on it would be hell. We’ve been thinking about going to see a movie after one of our friends gets off work. So far I guess the vote is for Valkyrie. I really have no interest in seeing it but somehow I think that’s the one we will end up seeing.

I’m 23 weeks today. I feel like i’ve gotten ten times bigger. Emily likes to practice yoga in there. Her kicks are starting to get really strong. Her favorite place to kick me hard is my hips and ribs. I don’t know if I said this last week or not so i’ll say it now. I’m only gonna take a new picture every two weeks now. So there will be a new one next Friday.

In a way its hard to believe that i’m going to be six months next week because it is still setting in for me that i’m pregnant. Call me weird if you must. On the other hand im also getting to the point where my body hurts every move I make and i’m wondering if its over yet. It will be worth it in the end though. Another beautiful little girl. Brittny is pretty excited about having a little sister. Although she doesn’t like having to share my lap…

I’m 22 weeks today. Im having horrible growing pains and it sucks. The fire breathing dragon that assualts my esphogaus is back. I swear I get heartburn every ten minutes! It sucks!

I got the ultrasound pictures from last week up. The picture quality is horrible but they are up atleast. After I get copies of them made and put on my computer I will put the better ones up. But for now cell phone pictures will have to do.

Christmas with Brittny went great. By the end of the day she was worn out and being a little terd but she loved it. I was able to get all the holiday cooking done in time and she loves food so she was excited about that. My parents weren’t able to make it up but Michaels mom and brother were able to. Brittny had a blast and she even decided to open up papa’s gift for him. Of course his comment was good girl.

We’ve been trying to work with her on putting one toy away before getting out another and with all the new gifts in the house its been kinda crazy and hard to enforce that rule. She likes to spread her tea set and her mega blocks all over the floor and leave Kota The Triceritops on *which can get pretty annoying*.

Emily has been practicing martial arts in me all morning. Sometimes I wonder what the heck she is doing in there. Got my new o.b. appointment scheduled this morning. Because they wanted to get me seen before I was 6 months I will be seeing a different doctor. So my appointment is on Monday the 29th at 3:20pm. I will keep you all posted on that.

Time to try and get miss Brittny to take a nap. I’ll blog again soon. Enjoy the new belly picture and the ultrasound pictures.

*Quick note* Had to reschedule o.b. appointment because of the extreme weather conditions right now…sucky.

We are doing our Christmas with Brittny today. We wont get a chance to be able to do it with her next week so we are doing it this week while im off. So I was up late last night wrapping all of her gifts and putting them under the tree. I must say she has quite a load from us. I know that mom & dad have a butt load more and that Michael’s mom will be bringing stuff for her too. She’s really made out like a bandit this year.

Which makes me feel good. Knowing that with all the hard times we’ve had this year that we are still able to provide her with a good christmas. I think she will be overjoyed at all of her gifts.

I sent Michael to the store after he got off work so that he can pick up holiday dinner stuff. I’m gonna start cooking it as soon as he gets back. I wanted to be able to do a Christmas dinner with her because I know that she won’t get one while with her dad for Christmas.

As much as I love the Holidays I will be glad when they are over. I now see why my parents would get so stressed over the holidays. While it’s fun and brings the family together. The other half of you just wants to reach out and punch the stupid ding dingy bell person assaulting you at the grocery store. Both when you go in and when you come out.

My Grandma Jan no matter how far away she is always seems to make Christmas unique for me. The other night at work  Silver Bells came on the radio. To those who have never been victim of my grandma and this song put together it won’t register for you what was going on in my head. Those of you who have are cringing at the thought of it in your own heads lol. She likes to do the bell solo in the middle of the song and every time they sing silver bells with really loud bing bong bing bing bong noises. Hence letting everyone know she hates that song.

She sent us a big package this year for Christmas. I wrapped it and put it under the tree. Like I told her the other day. She did an exquisite job wrapping it lol. This holiday season has made me miss my family alot. Particularly my siblings and my son. It’s hard for me to know they are so far away. This Christmas has been hard because I know that I would have been giving birth to Derek about now had I not lost him to stillbirth. I find joy in knowing that he will be watching over his little sisters. I guess the pain really never  go away .

Happy Holidays Guys! I will write about our Christmas with her tomorrow or the next day.

Yes I brought my blog back everyone. I got tired of sending out the same email to thousands of people lol. So I am from this point on going to be reguarly blogging again and posting pics etc on here.  So I hope you enjoy both me writing again and the convience of having everything in one place.

So for those of you who haven’t heard yet our little growing bundle of joy is…..A GIRL! Granted we were both a little disappointed because we really wanted it to be a little boy after the loss of Derek. I hadn’t realized how fresh losing him still is to us. But never the less we are excited about it as is Brittny. I’d say she is adjusting to being a big sister quite well. Although im sure there is still going to be that adjustment period after the baby is born.

I was measuring four days farther along than they thought I was so that puts us at 21 weeks 3 days currently and due April 24th. I haven’t gained wait anywhere else than in my belly and boobs. I weighed about 115lbs when I started this pregnancy and I now weigh 125lbs so I have gained about 10lbs which my o.b. says is right on track and that I shouldn’t be worried about my weight at all like I was with Brittny’s pregnancy.

The ultrasound was a really cool experience and I was glad that Brittny was able to be there to experience it. Thankfully she didn’t get scared by the look of the baby as I thought she might. She was really good throughout most of the ultrasound it wasn’t until the end when she got mad that I couldn’t let her on to the little table with me.

I am all caught up on my blood work now. SEVEN tubes later! I was extremely light headed afterwords. Michael told me that if I fainted he was going to bust down the door  and make them give it back. Grandma says yea you need a blood transfusion that’ll be 150 dollars.

My next check up with my O.b. is on wednesday. I will post my weekly updates and pictures on here as the doctor appointments etc come. Im still working on getting everything up so bear with me. Stay tuned more to come!

P.S. We set up our Christmas Tree it’s Beautiful. I love the holidays and bitterly hate them at the same time lol.

December 2008