
Archive for January 2009

So the day after my last post I had to go the emergency room because I just was not feeling any better. Puking and coughing at the same time is not fun. After hours of being poked and probed looking for a problem they finally figured out that I had bronchitis.

If I ever see the lady who gave me my iv again I will smack her. She poked me in the arm five times trying to get it in there and then finally gave me a shot of something to numb my arm so that I wouldn’t feel it anymore. Some people.

I’m feeling better now. Although work is really starting to take it’s tole on my body. I’m 28 weeks 1 day today. The ever so exciting third trimester! It’s exciting for me but not at the same time because I know I still have another 10 weeks before I take my maternity leave, because I will most likely be delivering by c-section. Trying to work until I can’t anymore.

I don’t feel like i’ve gotten much bigger but I can definetly tell that Emily has. She is kicking so much these days it’s hard to rest even when I do get a chance to rest. Oh the joys of motherhood right? There is a new picture up. Enjoy it. Gotta try and get Brittny to calm down. Thank goodness it’s my Friday.

So good news the results from my mid-pregnancy pelvic came back normal. They did decide to change my due date though. Because when they did the follow up ultrasound I was measuring at 25 weeks even and the samples that they took from my cervix a couple days later came back that I was 25 weeks 2 days. So now my due date is April 20th. So the new picture isn’t exactly at 26 weeks I apologize.

I have been having growing pains like no other. That is normal though. Thankfully Braxton Hicks has been kinda to me the last few days. But my body has made up for it by making me sick. At first it was some kind of stomach virus and then now it has turned into the worst cold i’ve had in a very long time. Needless to say I feel like (insert expletive). I’ve been visiting my parents the last few days so i’m going to try and get in with my old doctor before I head back home today. I also have to work tonight but I think I am going to call out because working around food like this is definetly a food safety hazard.

My pregnancy news letter for week 26 says that Emily can see now and that is why her movements are increasing. It’s exciting to know i’ve made it past the point of Derek’s pregnancy with no complications at all. I am getting to that point where I just want Emily to be here already but I know I have quite a bit still to go until she is here. My body is beginning to reap and sow the downsides of pregnancy and i’m trying to work full time through it. My second trimester is almost over and I still have yet to experience that “second burst of energy” as they call it. My mom says it’s because im working full time and am a mommy full time with little time to rest.

Enjoy the new picture everyone. I will have a new one again in two weeks. My next appointment is on Feburary 4th and I will be 29 weeks then. Even though its just a few weeks away still feels like forever. Michael says it feels like tomorrow that Emily will be born but I say it feels like eternity.

Everything went really well this morning. We had a much better ultra sound technician. She was able to get all the pictures she needed really easily and was including Brittny and answering all her questions. Brittny behaved alot better this time. Mostly because the ultrasound technician was explaining to her what we were looking at and even let her move the doppler over my belly.

Emily was much more cooperative this time. She is still a girl. The picture is a very clear view of a vagina and not a penis. She weighs 1lb 15oz so just 1 oz under two pounds. Michael was happy that she didn’t looking as creepy this time because we could see her skin and she had put on baby fat as they call it. Her heart beat was again a steady 134 beats a minute.

I was able to get much better pictures with my phone this time so they are much clearer and able to tell what everything is. Again if you want to see the bigger picture of it just click on it and it will open up bigger. They are all on Emily’s page. There are four new ones. Enjoy!

Today I hit a new milestone. Six Months! It’s exciting to me but it sucks at that same time knowing that I still have another three months left before Emily will be here. Its a sucky concept to me lol.

I had my doctor appointment on Monday. They messed up when they rescheduled me so I will be having to have all of my tests and my pelvic exam at my next appointment. That was a little frustrating but I guess it all works out in the end. Everything looks fine. I’m gaining weight accordingly. I started out between 115-117lbs and I weighed 131 on Monday. So I have gained about 14-16lbs.

The baby’s heart rate was at 134. My Ob says that Emily is measuring big. I’m not too worried though because it was the same thing with Brittny. Im just a really small person.

They scheduled another ultrasound to try and get the picture of the spine that they didn’t get last time and to check on my dates because of how im measuring. So I have that on Monday January 5th and then my appointment for my Glucose test and Pelvic Exam Ob appointment on the 7th.

I think I have like two more appointments left before I start going every two weeks. Cause they start you going every two weeks at 32 weeks. Pregnancy is really starting to take a toll on me. Working full time is too. Just been getting tired easily and my feet and ankles have started swelling everynight. Although they swell the worst in the morning after I get off work.

Enjoy the new belly picture. I will post the ultrasound pics and updates on Wednesday or Thursday after both my appointments. Hope everyone had a great New Year.

January 2009