
Emily Grace

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Emily Grace is here! She was born on March 14th, 2009 at 4:57pm after only 8 minutes of pushing. It took awhile for her to make her debut but it went fast once the time came. She was a little bigger than her sister at 5lbs 4.8oz and 19inches long. She spent 10 days in the NICU. She like her sister did very well there and ate like she was a full term baby. She amazed the nurses everday. We are so blessed to have her! She has so much character and we can’t wait for her to get bigger so that she can play with her big sister! We look forward to the years to come and the adventures they will bring.

3 Responses to "Emily Grace"

OK, you can’t fool me.
I see a tyrannosaurus Rex in that last picture; that would explain why your getting so big.
In the next to the last picture you have she has broken something loose; already showing that she’s going to be destructive. It’s either that or she’s hanged her pull cord and is getting the place more homey.

Jas, you look amazing. She looks so cute. I am so happy for you guys. Babies are totally exciting.

hey jas , emily is gettin so big!! thats awesome that you have come this far and shes healthy and strong and it sounds like other that the fire breathing dragon lol you are doing great. Im so excited for you. Im not sure how to comment and if im even doing this right but i have been following along and getting super excited for you! Congrats! Nikki

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May 2024