
Archive for February 2009

I’ve reached the milestone of 8 months prego! It’s both exciting and discouraging at the same time. I’ve decided when I will be leaving for maternity leave and I am in full countdown mode lol. My last day will be Tuesday March 31st, 2009. I will be 37 weeks 1 day then.

I’ve been back to work for almost a week. Been trying to make up as much time as possible. Because I was out for a full week of work. They finally ordered me new shoes that will be much better on my feet! I’m super excited about that one.

My skin has been so dry and itchy all over this week that I went and splurged 5 dollars on myself at target. I found any womans best friend. I have been lotioning twice a day everday since I found out I was pregnant and my skin has still been super dry everywhere.

I found the miracle that is Palmers Lotion and Baby Bee Belly Butter. They have worked so well over the last few days. I love them. It is really helping my skin feel nourished and stay that way! Pregnancy is definetly starting to catch up with me. Im super sore and tired everyday no matter how much i’ve slept or rested. Thankfully this is just about over. Enjoy the new picture. I put up pictures of the lotions so that you could find them if you wanted to buy them yourself. My gestational diabetes appointment is on Wednesday. Wish me luck everyone.

This last week has been a long one for me. On valentines day I started having contractions. So I was monitered in the hospital for about 5 hours. Thankfully enough they weren’t dialating or effacing my cervix. Just weren’t exactly the nicest thing to go through. So they put me on medication to stop any further contractions until it’s time to have this little girl. As bad as I wish that it would be time, it’s not.

I’ve been out of work since then and have been extremely bored. Since getting the okay to return to work tomorrow from my o.b. I have been having the arguement with Michael & my family about me returning to work. They don’t want me to but I am trying to save as much money as possible before Emily is born. I understand that I am high risk. Been there already accepted that fact but things are going alot better in this pregnancy and as long as things continue to go good I want to continue to work.

My 31 week appointment went well. I weigh 135. Michael is mad at me because I have lost 0.8 of a pound. I hate it when I have to see a doctor that isn’t either of my regular ob’s. This lady was trying to tell me I am only 26 weeks along. No way jose! other than that I am doing great. Everything looks good and Emily is still head down.

Had my three hour glucose test this morning. It was double the amount of glucose of the one hour test. Thankfully I haven’t had any of the symptoms that I was experiencing after drinking the glucose with the one hour test. My arm is in pain but who wouldn’t be after being poked four seperate times to draw blood. They drew blood from a fasting point, one hour, two hours and three hours. It went by pretty fast and hopefully I have good news in the morning. Meaning no phone call. Cause like the nurse said today no news is good news.

I return to work tomorrow so wish me luck on re-calibrating myself tonight to overnights again. I will let everyone know how the results came back when I know.

Im 30 weeks today. Feels good to be in what my pregnancy newsletter calls the single digit weeks countdown. Although I still got awhile till she is here. Still got another 8 weeks before I take my maternity leave. So for me it still feels like forever. My body is still reaping the third trimester woes. Thankfully the nausea has calmed down a little bit. The heartburn is still that fire breathing dragon that hourly assaults my esphogaus. I think im going to finally break down and actually buy a bottle of tums or rolaids. I have been buying the rolls of them but that tends to get pretty spendy.

My brother gets released tomorrow. We are going down there this Wednesday-Friday. I’m super excited to be able to see him. It feels like forever since I have seen him. The last time I saw him I was 18 weeks pregnant. So yea that says a little bit. We’re making a whole bunch of food to eat and scarf down. Just because we know he has got to be starving by now.

I failed my one hour glucose test. So I at this moment in time a possible diabetic. I won’t know until I do my three hour glucose test next week. Thankfully my parents are going to take Brittny on my days off next week. I go every two weeks for my ob check ups now. So my next appointment is on the 18th and then I have to do the three hour glucose test on the 19th. According to my ob alot of people fail their one hour test but pass the three hour because you have to come in from a fasting state for the three hour and you don’t for the one hour. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Will keep everyone posted. Enjoy the new picture. I think I am starting to drop. I feel like my belly is much lower. I think it shows in the picture. Let me know what you think…

Im 29 weeks 1 day today. My body feels like it has been beaten and bruised. The wonderful thing called nausea is haunting my nights and days again and I hate it. In my pregnancy news letter they asked if I had been feeling like a barn with legs. YES!

Emily seems to think my body is a giant circus tent for her to do her damage in. So ready for this to be over but I know I gotta wait just a little bit more….

February 2009